Producer | Director

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Dirty Hands: The Art and Crimes of David Choe

2008 | 93 minutes

Dirty Hands: The Art and Crimes of David Choe

2008 | 93 minutes

"The film is about as indulgent as Choe is, rampaging around the globe and its subject's mind and defying common convention, much like the artist himself. But there are moments of bliss, such as the moment when Choe, with a spray can in each hand, executes with ambidextrous virtuosity an ornate face on a blank white wall. It may be illegal, but it's exhilarating." - Variety

David Choe Painting

 "Billions of years ago there was nothing then a big explosion happened and now you're beating off to the internet, eating junk, playing video games, buying dandruff shampoo, teeth whitening toothpaste and doing sit-ups on a weird rubber thing you bought from an infomercial for $49.99. Who planned this?" - David Choe

 "Billions of years ago there was nothing then a big explosion happened and now you're beating off to the internet, eating junk, playing video games, buying dandruff shampoo, teeth whitening toothpaste and doing sit-ups on a weird rubber thing you bought from an infomercial for $49.99. Who planned this?" - David Choe

David Choe Art
David Choe
Police Officers

Director: Harry Kim
Producer: Elizabeth Ai